January 26, 2013


Entao meu dia hoje foi assim, eu fiquei desde ontem sem comer, aquele meu ultimo post mostra o que eu comi por ultimo. E fui jantar as 19:00. Meu jantar hoje foi batata amassada com molho de alho, alguns legumes e filé vegetariano. Eu sei que tem pessoas que falam, que ficar sem comer nao adianta nada, mas eu nao aguento mais ficar só fazendo dieta que nao dá certo, e sim, muita gente perde peso ficando sem comer, ou diminuindo as refeições.

So today was my day so I was not eating since yesterday, that my last post shows what I ate last. And I went to dinner at 19:00. My dinner tonight was mashed potatoes with garlic sauce, some vegetables and vegetarian filet. I know there are people saying that going without food does not help anything, but I can not stand feeling ugly and fat anymore alone, and yes, many people lose weight eating less, or decreasing their meals, eating less and healthy helps.

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