March 24, 2013


Por favor anon, eu nao transformo qualquer coisas saudável em porcaria, O CHANTILI ERA LIGHT, contem poucas calorias, AGORA ME DIZ O QUE É MELHOR? chantili light com maça ou chocolate, hamburger, doces ALBABBABABLLBABABBLABL. Eu nao quero parecer grossa, porque só sou quando as pessoas me deixam P da vida, na hora que li isso confesso que fiquei P mas nao mais, só foi coisa de momento LOOOOOOL.  Quando eu faço algo diferente nas coisas saudáveis, é com coisas saudáveis, deu pra entender? E tambem nao vai me engordar :3 Te amo anon :* E pode deixar que eu sei me cuidar, eu nao estou me entupindo de calorias como antes, já perdi 7 kg :3 obrigadaaaa tchau :*


  1. I can't really understand anything on your blog either, but I love it ! And you're way prettier than me :) Thanks for commenting on my blog btw, it was really nice of you :D

    1. Wow no way!! you're so pretty and omg so fit and skinny!! im dieting to get skinny but its taking long! you have some tips for me? i wanna be skinny not fit!! and i see you are in the healthy away, thats impressive!! lovely always xx

  2. I mean it! not really, but I try my best to be fit, so thanks! (: you shouldn't do dieting, that's not good at all for your body :( the best thing is to accept yourself the way you are, being skinny is overrated and not necessary at all. My tips would be to exercise and eat healthy though, if you really want to get skinnier. Don't quit eating, that's the worst thing you can do! If you quit eating, or eat way too little, your body will not let go of the fat to keep you warm. Eat 1800 calories a day, less carbohydrates and more protein. that will make you loose weight :) xx

    1. Wow!! If i eat 1800 calories i'm gonna to be sooooo fat :(( i already lost 7 kilos doing like this; i only eat around 500 - 700 calories per day!! and i try to dont eat, i hate being fat ass :(( i'm really lazy to go run or do some exercise, what to do about that? i dont feel motivated to go out or so.. thank you so much! xx

  3. No, omg, that's such a huge mistake! Believe me, I've been there myself. I didn't eat much at all, and it turned out so badly :( Cmon, you're not even fat, I know so much about this! Seriously, I know everything about dieting etc, I know what's right for you. But please don't eat that little, it's so bad for you :( You burn off 2000 calories per day without exercising, so you will still loose weight by eating 1500-1800. But be careful with what you eat though, stay away from chocolate :) No problem! xx
